What is the difference between WCAG Compliance Level A, AA, and AAA?

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
WCAG Compliance Level

Web内容可访问性指南(WCAG)是一套使每个人都更容易访问Web的规则. 它是由万维网联盟(W3C)发布的,目的是使创建网站的人可以很容易地使用这些规则.


WCAG发布了不同版本或级别的规则,以便为所有用户提供完全可访问的解决方案. The three levels of this compliance are A, AA, and AAA. These levels are distinct, yet you need to learn about them carefully. 这些层次旨在提高网站的灵活性和质量. 即使是复杂的设计也可以使用这些级别来维护遵从性规则.

这三个一致性级别是网站成功的决定性因素. Also, they impact the design to the core. The more higher level, the more impact on design. They leave their impression on designs for the benefit of your website.

Let’s know more about these WCAG compliance level A, AA, and AAA:

Conformance levels of WCAG

  • Level A – It is the minimum level. A site should have at least level A guidelines to become accessible.
  • Level AA – 这是一个演进的级别,包括A级的要求和AA级的附加指南. 许多组织试图至少达到这个级别,以便每个人都可以访问.
  • Level AAA – This one is a higher level. It has level A, AA, and AAA requirements. 使用此级别从头开始创建的新网站可以完全访问.

Difference among level A, AA, and AAA

为了使WCAG对每个组织都易于理解,它的信息被分为三个层次. So that organizations can work around the guidelines and create accessible web development assets for everyone. 这些级别是A(最低一致性)、AA和AAA(最高一致性)。.

The levels are different from each other, but people may get confused. 为了让它们更清晰,我们尝试着更直接地设计关卡. Let’s have a look at them.

Level A

This one is the minimal compliance option for every website. 这一层次的重点是组织在创建网站时所犯的主要错误,这些错误使某些残疾人士无法访问网站.

Level A guidelines that should get followed by organizations:

  1. Alt text for images is compulsory.
  2. For pre-recorded audio-only or video-only media, provide a descriptive transcript to make it understandable.
  3. Headings should be nested appropriately.
  4. ARIA标签应该在特定的地方,使它们可识别.
  5. Don’t use div and span; rather, use real elements like links and buttons.
  6. Content should be in a meaningful way.
  7. 内容不应该仅仅基于形状、大小、颜色、声音或其他感官特征.
  8. 如果文字、背景或链接使用颜色,则在文本中提供其信息.
  9. Avoid including audio or video in content that plays automatically.
  10. 确保用户也可以只使用键盘浏览内容.
  11. 应该有暂停,停止,隐藏移动元素,如视频和动画.
  12. Never use such an element that blink more than three times in 1 second.
  13. Don’t give irrelevant links.
  14. 在表单字段中提供描述性标签,或者使用aria - description - by在表单中包含帮助文本.

Level AA

It is the most common and acceptable level. 许多网站的目标是达到AA级,以符合WCAG和ADA的要求. In this level, 网站符合A级中提到的所有要求以及该级别的附加要求.

  1. Captions are needed for live audio and video. Also, videos should include narration for better reach.
  2. Device orientation should not be the problem for content. 它应该在所有设备上以水平和垂直形式可用.
  3. The color contrast of text is 4.5:1,文本和图像3:1,文本大小应至少为16px.
  4. 悬停或聚焦的内容应该充分显示,不应该与其他内容重叠.
  5. 网站应该包含这些内容中的任何一个——目录、站点地图或相关页面的列表.
  6. Headings and labels of each page should be unique.
  7. Keyboard focus should be highly visible, 如果使用键盘,可视元素应该一直聚焦.
  8. The same component on a web page should appear in a consistent order.
  9. To convey a status message, 使用ARIA实时区域或ARIA警报,使其易于屏幕阅读器理解.
  10. Web forms should have accurate labels and navigation.

Level AAA

This is the high-level accessibility conformance. To achieve this level, an ADA compliant website design 应该用所有的技术考虑和健壮的工具来创建吗. 您应该拥有满足这一级别期望的所有重要资源. 它有前面提到的所有(A级和AA级)指导方针和许多额外的规定.

  1. 流媒体应该有手语翻译和准确的音频描述.
  2. Try to avoid including background audio on the website.
  3. Text and images of text ought to have the color contrast of 7:1.
  4. Hyperlinks should be self-identifying to their destination.
  5. Section headings should present content in a more specific way.
  6. Every action on the website can be performed using a keyboard only.
  7. Color switcher and text resizer should be available on the site.
  8. A thesaurus is needed in website to give the meaning of abbreviations, idioms, unusual words, or technical terms.
  9. Flashing blocks of contents is not advisable.
  10. There should be no time limit imposed on the user. They should be able to browse the website the way they like to.
  11. The reading level of text on a web page should not be highly advanced.

Read WCAG 2.1 Quick Reference document for detailed information of these guidelines.

WCAG Compliance levels improve your content!

These levels assist in improving the overall quality of your website. 最终,你会从搜索引擎优化和更高的留存率和转化率中获益. To achieve the accessibility goal, 您应该应用指导方针并进行适当的测试来检查结果.

However, WCAG is flexible and applicable in various situations, 然而,在应用这些规则时,你应该小心,以免犯错误. 有了法律许可,你的网站就可以被更多的人访问. It will help your business grow and soar high.

Moreover, explore the difference between WCAG 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 checklist:

Web Accessibility Solution

Download WCAG 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2 checklist now to understand its difference in detail & 使您的数字资产符合最新的WCAG标准.

Is your website, web application, documents, mobile application accessible for people with disabilities? With a team of experts, we provide complete ADA web accessibility services including audit, strategy, design, 并开发符合无障碍法规(如ADA)的服务, WCAG 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 and Section 508 within your budget. Get in touch with us at [email protected] or submit the following request free quote form.